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identity theft

Identity Theft:

Every business regardless of size receives and maintains information that must be kept private. All businesses dispose of sensitive information on a regular basis. Without the proper disposal policies and procedures confidential information ends up in public dumpsters where it is readily and legally available to anyone. The only way of controlling sensitive information is to make sure it is securely collected and destroyed.

There were 16.7 million victims in 2017, 1 out of 15 consumers had some type of identity theft...


If your business is disposing of private information without destroying it first you could be breaking the Law in the State of Arizona, as well as potentially providing your competitors with strategic proprietary information. If you rely on employees to destroy the company's sensitive information you may want to re-examine your destruction and disposal procedures. There have been numerous examples of employees profiteering from the sale of sensitive company information to unscrupulous individuals and competitors.


The U.S. federal law that governs corporate espionage is the Economic Espionage Act of 1996. The law made stealing commercial secrets a federal crime for the first time, and codifies a detailed definition of what constitutes a trade secret. It also lays out penalties for corporate espionage, which can run into the millions of dollars and years of prison time

cost savings

Cost Savings

Our document destruction service will save you 25% to 60% over what it cost to destroy documents in-house with your own employees. When analyzing the costs associated with in-house shredding, consider the following:

  • Wages/Benefits
  • Floor space, utilities and maintenance for shredders
  • Cost to remove staples, paper clips, ect. and collection of material
  • Disposing of shredded material and clean-up

While Arizona Shredding Company is reducing your shredding costs we will be increasing your office security! Office productivity will also increase when you move employees away from the shredder to more productive areas.

It is very expensive to have your own employees shred paper with portable office shredders. If your people are shredding for as little as a combined two hours PER MONTH, it is likely that hiring a professional document destruction company will be a less expensive alternative and with a much higher level of security.


Arizona Shredding Company will also be providing you with an important legal document, the Certificate of Destruction. The Certificate of Destruction is a vital legal document that substantiates your compliance with the Law and a Record Retention Schedule.

Every company should have a Record Retention Schedule that is updated and followed regularly. No business record should be kept beyond the time called for on the Schedule. If your company is involved with any litigation it is important to be able to demonstrate that your company has in place and routinely follows a record retention schedule and destruction program. From a legal perspective, the optimal method of disposing of old records is to destroy them through a shredding process that will ensure the records are indecipherable.

compliance with the laws

Regulatory & legal compliance is an aspect of information security that is increasingly important but still often overlooked, particularly by smaller organizations.

What To Shred

Documents should be shredded that contain any of the following personal information:

  • Telephone numbers
  • Drivers License numbers
  • Passport Number
  • Education
  • Credit Card numbers
  • Bank Account information
  • Address
  • Social Security numbers
  • Insurance Policy data
  • Employment Information
  • Debit Card numbers
  • Brokerage account information

Documents to be shredded include:

  • Legal Documents
  • Medical Records
  • Financial Statements
  • Profit & Loss Statements
  • Accounting
  • Files/Records
  • Organization Charts
  • Personnel Files
  • Payroll Records
  • Audits/Survey's
  • Market Research
  • Bank Statements
  • Tax Records
  • Contracts
  • X-rays
  • Client Lists/Files
  • Receipts/Invoices
  • Price/Inventory Lists
  • Proposals and Quotes
  • Canceled Checks
  • Business Plans
  • Photographs
  • Presentations
  • R&D Files/Data
  • Computer Reports
  • Credit Card Numbers
  • New Product Information
  • Executive Correspondence
  • Obsolete
  • Brochures/Stationery/Files

Ready to find out more?

Find out more about our secure & confidential document destruction services.